Portion Control: Fit Plate [Infographic]

Allison Lesko

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Portion Control: Fit Plate [Infographic]

Typically when you go out to eat at a restaurant, portions are out of this world. Meals are usually dense with carbs and fats, and lack a balance of lean protein and fresh fruits and veggies. Use our Fit Plate to make sure you’re getting a balanced meal.

Your plate should be approximately 1/4 complex carbohydrates, 1/4 lean protein, and 1/2 fresh fruits and vegetables along with 1-2 tablespoons of healthy fat.


fit plate portion control fit flavors


Allison is the Licensed and Registered Dietitian at fit-flavors. She strongly believes we should have positive experiences at mealtimes and truly enjoy the food we eat. Allison is passionate about teaching others on mindfulness and portion control to achieve your goals.  She encourages all her clients to view eating healthy as a lifestyle, not a diet. Learn more about Allison and one-on-one nutrition counseling.

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