En oferta

Pollo A La Mostaza Y Miel

Precio habitual $12.99

Microwave: Vent film, reheat for 1:30-2:00 minutes.

honey mustard chicken nutrition facts

Pollo sellado con mostaza y miel, papas asadas enteras, calabaza amarilla, calabacín, zanahorias, pimiento

420 cal | 7 g de grasa | 46 g de carbohidratos | 41 g de proteína

Pechuga De Pollo - 1 Pechuga De Pollo
Patatas Asadas - 5-6 oz
Mezcla de Calabaza - 3 oz

Ingredientes: Pechuga De Pollo, Patatas De Idaho, Calabacín, Calabaza Amarilla, Zanahorias, Pimiento Rojo, Mostaza Dijon ( Vinagre destilado, agua, semilla de mostaza de grado n.º 1, sal, vino Chardonnay, especias y cúrcuma), mostaza (agua, vinagre destilado, semilla de mostaza, sal, salvado de mostaza, cúrcuma, pimentón, saborizante natural), miel, agua, aceite de oliva virgen extra, aceite de aguacate, sal kosher, ajo en polvo, paprika, pimienta negra, cebolla en polvo, pimienta de cayena, orégano, tomillo. Envasado en una instalación que contiene leche, huevo, pescado, crustáceos, frutos secos, maní, trigo, sésamo y soja.

Dairy Free Dairy Free

Gluten Free Gluten Free

410 cal | 7g fat | 38g carb | 47g protein

Nutrition Facts

Reheat Instructions

Chicken Breast, Yukon Potato, Zucchini, Red Bell Pepper, Red Onion, Carrots, Yellow Mustard [Water, Distilled Vinegar, Mustard Seed, Salt, Mustard Bran, Turmeric, Paprika, Natural Flavor], Honey, Whole Grain Mustard [Water, Mustard Seeds, Vinegar, salt], Apple Cider Vinegar [Pure Apple Cider Vinegar, Water, White Distilled Vinegar], Water, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Kosher Salt, Garlic, Avocado Oil, Ground Mustard, Dried Thyme, Black Pepper.

Nutritionally Balanced

All of our meals are designed by a team of chefs and registered dietitians to contain a healthy balance of macronutrients without sacrificing flavor.

Quality Ingredients

We're proud to use lean, antibiotic and hormone-free proteins, slow digesting carbohydrates, and heart healthy fats. We source our ingredients from local suppliers whenever possible.

Ready To Eat

No prep, cooking or clean-up. All meals come fresh and fully cooked. Keep refrigerated, heat when ready.