Nutrition Blog — lifestyle

Mitigate Seasonal Depression With These Tips

Julia Barber

While the Fall and Winter seasons bring happiness to some, it is not uncommon for others to feel down in the dumps. The shorter days and colder weather can trigger a chemical change in the brain leading to depression symptoms. This feeling is known as seasonal depression. 

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Protein 101

Julia Barber

Protein, along with carbohydrates and fat, make up our macronutrients. Macronutrients are the nutrients that our bodies need in higher quantities for energy. 

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Combat Your Sweet Tooth With These Tips

Julia Barber

The Holiday season is here! Time for trips to the pumpkin patch, scary movies, fun costumes, and sweets, lots and lots of sweets. This time of year it can be hard to curb your sweet tooth when all of your favorite stores display Halloween candy, candy apples, and pumpkin pies front and center. 

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5 Antioxidant Rich Foods

Julia Barber

You’ve probably heard of antioxidants and how they are healthy for you. But do you really know what they are and how they work? Antioxidants are molecules that are naturally produced in your body and found in some foods. 

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Vitamin D

Julia Barber

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that is crucial to your health. It helps your body absorb calcium which is important for strong bones and helps to prevent osteoporosis. Vitamin D also supports your immune system, brain, nervous system, lung function, and cardiovascular health. 

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PCOS Awareness

Julia Barber

September is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) awareness month! It’s important to bring awareness to various diseases and syndromes such as this one so that we can rally together to share information and show support. 

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5 Steps to a Healthier Lifestyle

Julia Barber

What does the word “healthy” mean to you? Is it a better diet? More time for yourself? Successfully making it to the gym 5 days a week? Better mental health?The definition of healthy or what a healthy lifestyle means is going to vary from person to person, but overall, a healthy lifestyle makes you happy and makes you feel good. It puts you in a state of mental, physical, and social well being.

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Postpartum Nutrition

Julia Barber

Congratulations mama, your baby is finally here! Your body just spent 9 to 10 months growing a human or maybe two, that's a big deal! Regardless of how your baby entered the world, labor and birth put a tremendous amount of stress on your body. While shedding the baby weight might be your top priority, recovering and nourishing your body with quality food after giving birth is way more important. 

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What is Crohn's Disease?

Julia Barber

If you or somebody that you know suffers from Crohn’s, it's helpful to have a support system that understands the disease and what you may go through on a daily basis. Below are some facts to explain what is Crohn’s Disease;

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Vitamins for Summer

Julia Barber

Summer is here! It’s time to lay around the pool, head to the beach, barbecue with friends and family, and just enjoy the beautiful weather. Is your body ready for all this excitement? We’re not talking about getting beach body ready, we’re talking about your health. 

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Essentials to Men’s Health

Julia Barber

Happy National Men’s Health Week! Men’s Health Week is celebrated every year the week leading up to Father’s day. Men have been known to be notorious for putting their health and wellness on the back-burner, so we take this time to bring awareness to the importance of men’s health.

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5 Tips to Create a Healthy Environment

Julia Barber

What feelings come to mind when you walk past that growing pile of laundry or clutter in the corner? Anger? Guilt? Or do you just close your eyes and pretend not to see it? It has been scientifically proven that your environment has an effect on your mental and physical health.

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5 Tips To Get Your Kids To Eat Healthier 

Julia Barber

Many parents worry whether or not their kids are getting the proper nutrients and struggle to get their little ones to eat healthy. What we feed our kids is important and has a huge impact on their physical, mental, and emotional health. 

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Fight High Blood Pressure With A Healthy Diet

Julia Barber

Over time, undetected or uncontrolled high blood pressure increases the risk of serious complications such as heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, heart failure, and vision loss. A huge factor that is completely within your control is your diet--choose foods that are naturally low in sodium like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and heart healthy fats.

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Combat Stress With A Healthy Diet

Julia Barber

When we think about ways to relieve stress, most often we think of yoga poses, breathing exercises, intense workouts or maybe meditation. While all of these are great stress relievers, a healthy diet is often overlooked. Eating a healthy diet can reduce the negative effects that stress has on the body. It can combat the impact of stress by strengthening the immune system, lowering blood pressure, stabilizing blood sugars, and managing your weight. 

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To Cheat Meal or Not To Cheat Meal

Julia Barber

This reward based strategy has always been pretty popular and it is gaining more and more popularity as it makes its way to mainstream diet culture. Some think that allowing yourself occasional periods of indulgence will make you more likely to stick to your diet after getting your “fix”. Others argue that getting off track of your diet for even one meal could ruin your dedication and progress. So, to cheat meal or not to cheat meal?

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How & Why To Use Bulk Items

Jillian Tedesco

I used to think bulk items were for people who wanted to gain muscle mass--that was before a busy lifestyle with work and kids. Today, I am a huge consumer of bulk items from fit-flavors for the ease it brings my family, and how it helps our healthy lifestyle.

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5 Tips: Eating For Weight Loss

Julia Barber

There are many different ways you can eat to lose weight fast. As tempting as some of these diets are, most of them are likely to leave you hungry, unsatisfied, and eventually right back where you started. In order to lose weight and keep it off you have to commit to making your efforts and the foods you eat a lifestyle.

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Clean Eating

Julia Barber

You’ve probably heard of the term “clean eating,” but do you know what it actually means to eat clean? It can be a pretty broad term that everyone has their own personal version of. Let's discuss what clean eating means to us here at fit-flavors. 

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7 Swaps for Healthier Eating

Julia Barber

Living a healthy lifestyle shouldn’t mean that you have to cut out the foods that you love. No sweets? Where’s the fun in that? Eating should always be enjoyable and it can be even when you’re trying to watch what you eat. All you have to do is implement some healthy ingredient swaps!

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