Nutrition Blog

5 Fruit Myths

Julia Barber

Are you consuming your recommended amount of fruit daily? If so, great! We’re proud of you and keep it up! If not, what’s stopping you? Are you worried about all of the sugar in fruit? Are you trying to limit carbs? Diabetic? Whatever the reason, we’re here to make sure that you don’t fall victim to these myths and don’t let fruit intimidate you anymore. 

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To Cheat Meal or Not To Cheat Meal

Julia Barber

This reward based strategy has always been pretty popular and it is gaining more and more popularity as it makes its way to mainstream diet culture. Some think that allowing yourself occasional periods of indulgence will make you more likely to stick to your diet after getting your “fix”. Others argue that getting off track of your diet for even one meal could ruin your dedication and progress. So, to cheat meal or not to cheat meal?

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How & Why To Use Bulk Items

Jillian Tedesco

I used to think bulk items were for people who wanted to gain muscle mass--that was before a busy lifestyle with work and kids. Today, I am a huge consumer of bulk items from fit-flavors for the ease it brings my family, and how it helps our healthy lifestyle.

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5 Tips: Eating For Weight Loss

Julia Barber

There are many different ways you can eat to lose weight fast. As tempting as some of these diets are, most of them are likely to leave you hungry, unsatisfied, and eventually right back where you started. In order to lose weight and keep it off you have to commit to making your efforts and the foods you eat a lifestyle.

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Clean Eating

Julia Barber

You’ve probably heard of the term “clean eating,” but do you know what it actually means to eat clean? It can be a pretty broad term that everyone has their own personal version of. Let's discuss what clean eating means to us here at fit-flavors. 

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How to Read Nutrition Facts & Ingredient Lists

Julia Barber

Do you ever wonder if the food you’re eating is actually good for you or does it just appear to be good for you? Understanding how to read food labels can be confusing at first, but it is a necessary skill to have if you want to improve your overall health and live a healthy lifestyle.

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7 Swaps for Healthier Eating

Julia Barber

Living a healthy lifestyle shouldn’t mean that you have to cut out the foods that you love. No sweets? Where’s the fun in that? Eating should always be enjoyable and it can be even when you’re trying to watch what you eat. All you have to do is implement some healthy ingredient swaps!

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Misleading Food Claims

Jillian Tedesco

Years ago when I would go grocery shopping I fell victim to the words and promising statements on food labels. I would read them with a smile on my face, believing I was making a choice that would help me lose weight and reach my health goals. Misled by buzzwords and claims, I didn’t truly know what they meant. I used to fall for sugar free claims--that was the buzzword that got me each time.

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Low Sodium Items

Mary Kurtz

Here are the current menu items at fit-flavors in order of lowest sodium to help you easily follow your eating plan and determine what meals best fit your healthy lifestyle. 

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Healthy Holiday Gift Guide

Nikki Ownby

A gift is an opportunity to show a special someone that you see them, you love them, and you’re grateful for them in your life. These are a few of the things that we love as to give (and receive) to elevate the health of our loved ones. We hope they help you find the perfect gift for at least one person on your list! We’ve included our top picks for the fashionista, the foodie, the traveler, the weightlifter and HIIT enthusiast, the runner, the golfer, the outdoorsman, the yogi and the cyclist. 

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Are You Eating Enough?

Julia Barber

Whether you’re trying to lose, maintain or gain weight, eating enough is one of the most important things you can do to reach your goal. When trying to achieve weight loss/maintenance goals, it’s tempting to consume less calories in an effort to speed up the process, but not eating enough can actually have negative effects on your goals and overall health. 

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5 Scary Health Myths

Julia Barber

In honor of the spookiest time of the year, let's talk about what scares us! Zombies? Vampires? Werewolves? How about carbs? Or maybe eggs? While it’s always fun to get a little spooky for Halloween, most of us know that zombies, vampires, and werewolves aren’t real.

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What Happens When You Eat Quality Food

Jillian Tedesco

When I finally decided to “trust the process,” and give quality food a chance (rather than eating mountains of low-calorie, processed foods/drinks), I drastically improved my relationship with food, lost over 20lbs, and have sustained my results ever since.

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Master Portion Control with These 5 Tips

Julia Barber

Practicing portion control is not just something you should do when you’re trying to lose weight. Controlling your portions is essential for good health and nutrition as well as your relationship with food. It’s also important to note that it’s just as easy to under-eat as it is to overeat and both can have negative effects on your health. 

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5 Steps to Make a Meal Plan

Julia Barber

A goal without a plan is just a wish. Let's talk planning, meal planning to be exact. Do you know what you’re eating for lunch or dinner 2 days from now? Being hungry after a long day and realizing you have nothing to eat is without question stressful. Instead of making your 3rd last minute trip to the grocery store or drive thru for the week, maybe a meal plan is what you need. 

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5 Healthy BBQ Recipes

Jillian Tedesco

As a healthy chef, I love to grill but you won’t find me cooking hotdogs or heavy meats. I grill to bring flavor and dimension to my meals, all while creating an experience for my guests. We typically think of Memorial Day, Labor Day or the 4th of July as an opportunity to have a BBQ. So, I’m going to show you how you can make an amazing meal and not worry about throwing your healthy habits down the drain with heavy meats, processed carbs, or fattening potato salad.

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4 Tips to Snack Healthfully

Allison Lesko RD LD

In the past, snacking has gotten a bad wrap due to its long-term association with mindless acts of boredom and giving into emotions, only leading to weight gain. Contrary to its historic connotation, snacking has been shown to promote weight loss and keep it off for life--if done properly. In this blog I’ll cover what healthy snacking is, benefits of snacking, and how to snack to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle. 

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How to Get Started Eating Healthy

Julia Barber

Changing your eating habits can often feel like an ongoing, impossible task. This is hugely related to most people simply not knowing where to start or what “healthy eating” even means. So if you find yourself lost and needing some guidance and motivation to get started, stay tuned, we got you! 

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How to Ditch Bad Habits (and Form Good Ones)

Julia Barber

Before fully committing and making progress towards ditching your bad habits, it’s important to understand what stage of behavior change you’re in. Theoretically, there are 4 stages of habit change: contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance.

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6 Tips for Eating Healthy at a Restaurant

Julia Barber

Eating out at a restaurant should be a fun treat, but can often be scary or frustrating if you’re worried about what to eat in unfamiliar territory. What do I order? Do I eat before so I don't eat too much? Should I just order a drink? Should I even go? No need to fear! With these helpful tips you’ll be able to dine out like a pro without the guilt or fear of sabotaging your healthy lifestyle.

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